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Keep Moving for Success - Quote of the Day

Moving forward with success is a greater accomplishment, when we bring others along with us.

There is enough success in this world to go around! That is what I say!! (I actually made that a quote of the day too! See below…) So when it comes to marketing, there is no need to cheat the system so to speak. Google is not an evil monster, just another business trying to make money as well. Sure, they are much bigger than all of us but they too have a product and that product is a search engine. They do want the end user to find what they are looking for so cheating the system hurts everyone.

That is why we always take the high road and will not do things that are against Google’s Terms of Service. In order for a business to succeed, they do not need to destroy their competition so to speak. We say simply be smarter, more professional and offer a high class of service. Beat them on the high road! So does that mean we hold hands and sing songs together? Rarely but we can in fact learn to work with our competitors for fair practice.

Case in point. We have a garage door repair client that has a high level of integrity. They are losing the battle against those who are cheating the customer but guess what? In the end, they win. Why? Now that Google has the 5-star system, guess who now shines with 5-star reviews? So why bring this up? Recently this client teamed up with another business in the industry to share information and resources so they could together compete against those that practiced less than stellar service practices.

Together, these businesses have a far better chance at succeeding than if they went it alone. So as you see, whether you are a business owner or climbing the corporate ladder, you can certainly take the high road and collaborate, work with or share with others to achieve greater success. Just food for thought today!

And here is that quote I referred to…

Success quote of the day