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Is WordPress good for business website? 8 Reasons WordPress is the Perfect Business Website Tool

Have you been asking is WordPress good for business website? The internet is here to stay. Business owners who expect to compete in the marketplace have realized that a website is no longer an optional part of doing business, it’s a necessity. Despite the growing reliance on the internet, however, many businesses have been slow to develop a website that is more than a virtual phone book listing.

Is WordPress good for business website?

Many business owners are reluctant or unable to invest what they imagine will be thousands of dollars in the building of their website. They often fail to see the value that creating a viable web presence can add to their business or feel ill-equipped to create a site on their own. Is there a solution that can accommodate their needs without breaking the bank? Can even a small business have a website that competes with established sites on the internet? Yes. And Portside Marketing can help.

Bridging the gap between one-page placeholder websites and fully customized website builds is WordPress, an open source programming that began in 2003 as a blogging interface. As usage and demand for the free program grew, so did its capabilities. Today, WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms for websites and the possibilities for the business owner continue to expand.

Still not convinced that WordPress would meet your needs? And still wondering, is WordPress good for business website?

Here are eight reasons that you should consider a WordPress website in 2018.

  1. WordPress gives you a customized website at a fraction of the cost.

With its roots as a free, open-source blogging platform, WordPress (WP) allows the business owner to launch viable, functional websites relatively inexpensively.    Businesses can take advantage of one of their free, professionally designed templates, saving thousands of dollars in web designer fees. Should you choose, you can opt for one of the more specialized templates, but even then, the costs are relatively low. (Many comprehensive templates can be purchased for less than $100.) This can be particularly appealing to new businesses that may not have much working capital.

  1. WordPress offers business features in an easy to use format.

As an open-source program, your website can be altered in whatever way you choose. In most cases, there are free plug-ins that can handle complex tasks such as setting up an online store, processing memberships or auto-posting to social media channels. Even with the plug-ins, there may be additional features that your website needs. The WP platform was designed to be enhanced, and there is a robust community of users who are willing to share their coding solutions and offer advice.

  1. Using WordPress can help search engines find your website.

WP comes standard with friendly search engine optimization features. Thanks to its intuitive design, search engines can easily crawl the framework of the platform. As a result, the more popular search engines rank sites that use WP higher than those that don’t. With search engines constantly changing the way they rank sites, any advantage a business can get should be welcomed.

  1. WordPress sites offer stellar security.

Stories of hackers, viruses and malicious threats are rampant. It seems there are daily reports of websites that crash or break as a result of malicious attacks. WP users, while not exempt from malicious threats, have a solid backing from developers who take site security very seriously. With constant updates, the WP staff is vigilant to maintain security for the site and its plugins. Site users should be careful to only download plugins and features from trusted and known sources, and ensure that their site is current with all updates to preserve their website security.

  1. Mobile friendly websites are standard.

Websites that aren’t mobile friendly have begun to be penalized by search engines. Non-responsive sites are ranked lower in the search results, and users avoid websites that they can’t view on their smart phones or tablets. WP, however, offers sites that are automatically responsive, and has a ‘mobile view’ option for sites that aren’t.

  1. Your site belongs to you.

Many hosting services offer DIY site builder programs that provide novice users with the ability to build their site in a few simple steps. One of the biggest downfalls is the lack of portability once the site has been published. The flexibility of WP is one of the greatest strengths the platform offers.  The open-source software is free to download, which means you can take your website with you to any hosting provider you desire, without losing your site. Want to move your site to a new server? Download your site file and upload it to your new server.

  1. You can have multiple levels of administrative control.

Often, you need (or want) to allow others to work on your website. There is a danger in giving control of your business site to others, however. With WP, you can allocate varying levels of access, from ‘Contributor’ to ‘Administrator’. This allows you to maintain the integrity of your site while allowing others to help run your website.

  1. The future of WordPress is bright.

WP has not relinquished its innovative drive over the last decade. Staff and coders continue to improve the platform, developing new plug-ins and add new features that can add enhanced customizations to your site. As a result, WP gets better as more users realize the potential and more developers begin to create new coding options.

The answer to is WordPress good for business website? Yes!

Businesses of all sizes and all stages of web presence can benefit from the versatile WordPress powerhouse. Whether you need a new site built, or you have an existing site that does little to enhance your business’ internet presence, WordPress can offer exactly what you need.

Do you want to find out how to effectively use WordPress for your business? Are you interested in building a website but feel intimidated by the process? Portside Marketing is an award winning provider of WordPress website development. Contact us today to learn more about our services, and discover how we can put WordPress to work for you.

Call Portside Marketing at (972) 979-9316 to schedule a comprehensive website review and consultation.