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Near Me Search Strategy Helps Customers find Local Businesses

The Near Me Search Strategy is quickly becoming the new, hot strategy for helping customers find local businesses. Google has recently announced a new qualifier that has been added to search queries. Users can now add “near me” to their search to help locate local businesses or other places.

Portside Marketing can help you use this new feature to maximize customer reach among these users. We are dedicated to helping our clients grow their business in every way possible. Our staff is constantly studying new trends and features to help your business succeed. We want to share this knowledge with you to ensure your business is successful.

What is a Near Me Search Strategy?

Google searches done with the “near me” qualifier have doubled in the past year. Nearly 90% of searches that take advantage of this new feature are done by mobile users. This feature has rapidly been increasing since it first launched.

A Near Me Search Strategy helps put your business at the top of the search results. This increases visibility among users who are searching for what your company has to offer. This addition to SEO marketing can help benefit your company by helping potential customers find you. It also benefits customers by helping them find what they’re looking for near their current location.

With the constant advancement of mobile technology, many people rely on their mobile devices for just about anything. A quick search on their phone or tablet can lead them to the nearest product, service, or location that they are looking for. Google has recognized the need of customers and provided them the ability to find what they need instantly.

How a Near Me Search Strategy Works

Businesses can now easily help their customers find them by optimizing their website to show up during these searches. Google wants to provide users with a list of businesses that are the most relevant to their search. This means that your business may not populate just because a user is in your neighborhood. Search algorithms strive to provide the best results, not necessarily the closest option.

In this case, think of Google as a friend. If you ask your friend about the closest steak house they will likely refer you to the closest good steak house. They wouldn’t want to refer you to a restaurant that they know you wouldn’t like. Instead, they focus on recommending a close restaurant that they know you will enjoy.

The “near me” search qualifier works the same way. Google will offer suggestions for more prominent businesses. This is why it’s important to incorporate the Near Me Search Strategy with an SEO strategy. This helps search engines know where you are and that you are a superior option. Local search results will then display your business near the top of the “near me” searches.

Creating a Near Me Search Strategy

Adding a Near Me Search Strategy to your current SEO strategy is not difficult. It primarily involves optimizing your website to improve your ranking with local users. Since nearly all of these users are conducting searches from their mobile device, it’s important that your site is mobile friendly. Use a responsive design to optimize your website for all devices. Users tend to avoid websites that aren’t accessible on their device.

You’ll also want to update your Google “My Business” Listing. This will allow your business to show up on maps. This feature allows your existing customers to leave reviews and provides an overall star rating. Customers love reviews and use them to help make decisions. It’s also important to make sure that your business name, address, and phone number are correct. You’ll also want to ensure that this information is displayed on the main page of your website. Update all business listings with this correct information to be certain that everything matches. These steps will help Google display your business when users conduct a “near me” search.

Encourage your customers to write positive reviews for your business on Google. Reviews greatly affect your ranking in your local search results. You want a significant amount of positive reviews to appear near the top in “near me” searches. The reviews will help Google determine that your business is a great choice for users.

Maximizing the Return of Your SEO Marketing Strategies

A successful Near Me Search Strategy can boost customer traffic to your business when combined with a great SEO strategy. Portside Marketing is a leading expert at helping businesses become successful. Our professional staff is here to help you create the ultimate SEO strategy. We can also help you integrate a Near Me Search Strategy into your current marketing plan. Don’t lose business to competitors due to a lack of search engine optimization.

Call Portside Marketing today at (972) 979-9316 for more information about SEO and developing a Near Me Search Strategy.