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Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

SEO in 2016 is an interesting guess into the future of what will happen next year with regard to web searches.  What is SEOSEO stands for Search Engine Optimism.  So you ask, what does that really mean?  Search Engine Optimism is the process of “natural” “organic” or “earned results” when it comes to results on the many search engines found on the web.  The visibility or earned result is not a paid result, but rather one that has gotten to the top of the result list due to its relevancy or importance to whoever is doing the search.  In other words, whatever words you put in the search box is what sends people to your website.

How do you improve your chances in SEO?

How do you improve your website’s chances in SEO?  Utilizing some of the following strategies could help promote your websites’ visibility.

  • Use Additional Avenues of Social Media.
  • Make your website mobile friendly.
  • Get on the HTTPS (secure) move.
  • Keep Guest Blogging to a Minimum.
  • Use Additional Keywords, Synonyms, Brands and/or product related words and phrases.
  • Make your site interactive.
  • Improve your page speed.

Let’s take a look at each of these strategies and how they may or will affect your business.

Use Additional Avenues of Social Media.

By adding additional avenues of social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. you increase your odds of people finding your website and thus moving up on the page.  Organic clicks are not the only way to increase your visibility on the web.  You can also try adding links to various articles on your website.  Anything that will draw attention to your site will help drive business your way.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly.

With the increase of searches being done from phones and tablets, making the icons on your site larger or further apart so that they are mobile friendly increases the odds of you having more mobile searches directed to your site.  Making your site user friendly will enhance chances of being seen.  With phones having Siri, OK Google and Cortana, searches are being spoken for more than typed in.  Make your site one that will be seen whether text searches or voice searches are being done.

Get on the HTTPS move.

According to Google, your website could experience an increase in rankings by switching to HTTPS (secure). Chrome and Mozilla will have warnings on sites that have not switched to the more secure settings.

Keep Guest Blogging to a Minimum.

Keep other bloggers to a minimum so that content integrity is kept positive and current.  When you have control of the blogs on your site, you control the content.  Guest blogs may be a way to link other key words to your site, but you have to keep the integrity of your site so the more control you have over the blogs linked to your site, the better.

Use Additional Keywords, Synonyms, Brands and/or Product Related Words or Phrases.

Rather than use a specific word for your topic, branch out and use other associated words.  For example, when someone is looking for a travel dog dish, having search words as comic dog dish, or as cartoon dog dish, or even just a dog dish.  Using subtopics of your real topic helps get your site visited. High quality content will help drive business your way.  Using different languages in addition to English will help drive business to your site.  Common search words and or questions that can be answered by key words will help drive business.  Diversify your search words and make your site the one that gets the hits.

Make your site interactive.

By making your site interactive – besides sending an email – will keep people coming back to your site.  There is something about being engaged in a site that keeps people coming back.  Making your site easy to find and easy to navigate will increase your chances of getting seen.  If someone on your site has to look and can’t find what they are looking for, they get frustrated and will not continue to look, but will instead go to another site that is easier to locate information they are looking for.  By making your site interactive, easy to navigate through and informative, you will keep getting hits and keep being at the top of the search engine page.

Improve your page speed.

If your site takes too long to upload, you will lose any chance of people going to your site.  Pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load will lose actual people going to your site.  Decreasing your pages loading time to less than 2 seconds will increase people continuing to your site.

SEO changes in 2016 are inevitable, so contact Portside Marketing at (972) 979-9316 to help you stay on top.