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Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

SEO Is Important, But Do You Need It Done?

The term SEO refers to either the process of search engine optimization, or to the person that is doing the optimizing. It is tossed around regularly and often bombards business owners who have a website. However, that does not mean that the concept is easy for everyone to understand. There is more to SEO than just making your website easier to find, because if it is done wrong, there is a lot at stake for you and your company. You want to make sure that your company is easier to find, but you want to do it the right way, not haphazardly.

Benefits of Getting Good SEO Work

When you take honest and ethical methods of SEO work and put them on a well-built website, the benefits can be far reaching. You can take a website that was mediocre at first and make it into a shining example of what people want in and around Dallas, Texas. This can be done by marketing your business more effectively, developing your content, making sure that your local markets know who you are and what you have to offer, and making sure the proper keywords are used in your website. This can help people find you any time they use a search for your products or services on any search engine. However, it does take time to get these results, and it cannot and should not be expected to happen overnight.

Ensuring You Find the Best SEO

In order to guarantee that you are going to be getting top-notch SEO work done, you need to be asking the right questions of any company you are considering hiring. The answers to those questions can help you see the benefits that each company would be able to offer, and can tell you a lot about what this company knows about how to effectively boost your website’s rankings in the many search engines currently being used.

You should ask what guidelines are being followed to optimize your website, and the right answer should include Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. If they are not following these basic guidelines, you could be trying to boost your rankings and not get any return on that time and investment.

You should ask for samples of work that the company has done in the past, and how that company’s rankings are going today. The ability to see the process having worked for other companies can really help you in terms of knowing that you are going with a company that knows what they are doing.

You should ask what type of specific experience the SEO company you want to work with has in the industry that your business represents. In order to effectively market your website to a specific industry or niche, the company must have an idea as to what that industry is and how to effectively speak to that audience.

Finally, you should ask the SEO company about how often to expect results. You are going to want to have open and regular communication about what is going on with the website and how the work is going. They should be contacting you on a regular basis with updates on your former ranking and where you stand currently. If they do not communicate with you as often as you think is necessary, then you may want to find another SEO company that will.

Warnings About Bad SEO Companies

Not all companies are created equal, especially when it comes to SEO work. If you happen to hire the wrong company, your website could fall further down the rankings, your reputation could be damaged, and your website could even face fines and other issues from the search engines themselves. Make sure that you take the time to hire the best SEO company that you can find because that is the only way to ensure you are getting what you need from the job you are paying for.

You want to find a company that is translucent, because while they are not going to give out every secret to their success, a reputable SEO company is going to tell you the basic roadmap of what they plan to do for you and your website. Also, good companies will not guarantee that you will be at the #1 spot within a specific amount of time or even that they can make sure your Dallas, Texas company is going to be at the top of local listings. Their goal can be that position, but there is no way to guarantee it unless they are using questionable methods.

When You Hire Out for SEO, put in the Time You Need to Research the Best

Getting some random email saying you can get discounted SEO work is common as a business owner, but that does not mean that you will get positive results from responding to it. Take the time to figure out exactly what it is you are seeking from having the work done, and look for a company that can provide it. Speak with each potential SEO company first and find out what methods they will be using and what goals they are setting for their own work. Also, find out what results they have had in the past using similar methods. This is the best way to be able to safeguard you will be happy with the results you get from the SEO company you decide to hire.

For reputable SEO work in Dallas, Texas, and the surrounding areas, contact Portside Marketing and let them help get your business noticed. They can be reached at (972)979-9316.