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SEO Technology and AMP: The Next Big Thing for Your Business

SEO technology advances quickly and the next big thing to help your business is here. It can be hard to keep up with the frequently changing SEO technology but we, here at Portside Marketing in Dallas, Texas are ready to provide you with the latest updates about Google’s Accelerated Mobil Pages, also known as AMP.

We’ve provided you with detailed information on how your company can utilize SEO technology to boost your search engine ranking within Google. Now that this new product is becoming more common, we’ll cover how AMP works and what you need to know to stay on the cutting edge of this new SEO technology.

What is AMP and How Does It Work?

AMP is a new project that optimizes content for mobile devices that instantly loads the content for viewers. Google advised that their goal with AMP is to allow content rich web pages to work along with smart ads to load instantly for people browsing the web with their mobile devices. The goal is to have the same code work across several platforms and devices so that the type of device doesn’t inhibit the content. This helps get information to the users faster than ever, which works great for the instant culture that has developed around the internet. The median time it takes for an AMP-coded web site to load is approximately 0.7 seconds, nearly instantaneously. Webpages that have been coded with AMP will display in Google’s search results featuring a thunderbolt icon along with the acronym AMP.

AMP works by using existing web technology while allowing website owners to create a lighter version of their web pages that will load quickly. The pages are cached which is an integral part to the quickness of the AMP feature. This means that when a user goes to pull up the webpage, they instantly get a cached version of the site while the page is being updated in the cache.

AMP originally focused primarily on news stories however it is quickly being picked up by all kinds of businesses including ecommerce. At the end of June, eBay’s AMP-powered shopping experience went live. AMP product pages create a big commercial incentive for websites to use the new technology. When combined with existing SEO technology a whole new world of possibilities is opened up for clients. Google also prioritizes AMP pages in search results, giving those companies who do utilize both SEO and AMP an edge above all others. Google is now providing users with a new, unprecedented speed for finding the information and products they are looking for.

How Does AMP Work in Relation to SEO?

While AMP is not a search engine ranking factor and doesn’t seem to provide a massive boost in search rankings it can help improve traffic to your company’s website. Now, more than ever, speed matters to people. If a site takes too long to load, then it’s likely that the viewer will move on to something else that is able to meet their needs more efficiently. But AMP doesn’t help a company stand out on its own without the use of SEO technology. SEO is still a very relevant technology that is helping thousands of companies stand out against the crowd. AMP simply provides them another way to stand out among those who are equal to them. If the Google ranking system shows two articles that score the same on all characteristics of SEO but one utilizes AMP and the other does not, they will place the emphasis on the one using AMP because that speed is what users are looking for.

Similarly, if an AMP page gets more clicks because it’s faster to load, then Google will then decide that the page offers higher value to users and it will be moved up in the search results. Mobile web browsing had become more and more involved in daily life and the majority of people tend to use Google to search for just about anything. Eventually, those websites who do not feature AMP will see a drop in their SEO rankings to those that do utilize the new technology.

As AMP continues to become more and more widely accepted then it will become the new standard for mobile web. More and more companies are starting to utilize this new technology to set them apart from their peers. In the highly competitive environment that makes up the Google SEO rankings, AMP is surely a technology to keep an eye on. At Portside Marketing in Dallas, Texas, we’d be happy to discuss AMP and SEO technology with you in further detail to help increase the visibility of your company’s webpage on Google’s search rankings.

If you have any questions about AMP or SEO technology, please contact Portside Marketing in Dallas, Texas at (972) 979-9316.