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Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

What are the Different Types of Digital Marketing?

The term “Digital Marketing” has grown in scope and meaning over the years. Two decades ago digital marketing could have referred to the type of old bank signs that told time and temperature.  Today it could refer to several different types of internet marketing that have become more effective than print advertising.  If you’re in the business world, it’s important that you understand what each subset of digital marketing entails. Likewise, it’s important to know about the similarities and differences between the different types. Each type of digital marketing is constantly changing and to have a successful marketing strategy that your company must continuously learn about those changes. Let’s take a closer look at Digital Marketing and its various parts.

Email Marketing

Let’s start with the oldest type of digital marketing, email. Having a list of customer’s emails who care about your products or services has always been invaluable, right up to now.  This tool lets you regularly update customers on your list about events at your company, or announce new goods or services. The best way to compile a list of customers to email is by having a call to action on your website to subscribe to a mailing list. You can also buy carefully targeted mailing lists from reputable companies. When done correctly, emails to customers can build your brand, trust and turn into transactions.

Search Engine Optimization

Perhaps the second oldest form of marketing (at least since the rise of Google) is search engine optimization (or SEO). The object of SEO is to optimize content using relevant keywords. When done properly, your company’s website shows up higher on the page in searches on Google or Bing. SEO is organic and does not involve payments like Google’s Adwords. Each search is individualized by a search engine to bring the closest results related to the keywords entered by the user.

Being aware of what keywords will guide search engines, and therefore customers, to your website is crucial; for instance, if you are selling trees in Dallas, the content on your sites homepage or landing pages should mention both Dallas and trees. If you are selling a specific type of tree like an oak, your site’s content should list Dallas and oak trees.  SEO is a simple and inexpensive way to drive customers to your website. However, SEO is actually quite complex. This is especially true as search engines are constantly updating to provide better search results for users.

Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay per click marketing (or PPC) is an excellent way to reach customers who are looking for a good or service your company provides. The method PPC uses is straightforward. A brief ad that espouses why a customer should use your company’s products or services works with a list of relevant keywords to hit your target audience.

As with SEO, common sense is the lynchpin to the entire process. If your company is a law firm in Houston, it is best to provide keywords more specific than just Houston or law firm. Being specific with your keywords without being too specific is important in PPC advertising. Listing the neighborhood in Houston where the law firm is as well as the type of law firm is beneficial.

When you put a PPC ad on Google or Bing, you are bidding on when your ad is seen. Fifty cents a click won’t bring as many views of the advertisement as a dollar a click would. Remember, your PPC can be as expensive or inexpensive as your company budgets.  The old saying “you get what you pay for” is true of PPC, bid too low and it is unlikely many customers will see your ad.

Social Media

The various social media platforms provide not only a way to interact directly with customers, but they can also be a vehicle to build wide brand recognition.  Social media gives you a chance to use everything in your company’s branding style guide. You can use brand specific language, photos, iconography and hashtags to hone your company’s image into the desired form.

Social Media can also be used to drive traffic to your website.  Using hashtags related to your company’s goods or services can bring more views on social media platforms and including a link to your company’s website will drive traffic there. If other users share your post, additional backlinks are created to your company’s website which benefits your search engine page rankings (or SERP).

Be sure to post material related to your goods or services to prevent followers on social media from feeling as if they are being spammed.  Responding to followers posts on social media makes them feel as if you have an interest in them. Customers who think that a company cares about them is more likely to use its goods or services. Above all else, be professional with everything you do. Remember, the world is watching.

Content Marketing

It makes no sense to invest time and money into driving customers to your company’s website if the content is subpar.  You can expect a high bounce rate from customers who were led to your site through a social media post or PPC ad if the website looks like an amateur designed it.  You need a balanced combination of splashy, eye-catching graphics, well-written content, and strong calls to action. These things together will that ensure customer visits to your website translate to transactions.

Your company’s website should reflect your brand better than any of the ads or social media platforms you employ. Your company is in complete control of its website and should hit on all the standards of your branding style.  Make sure there is a way to for the customer to communicate with you such as live chat or a contact us form. If your company’s website uses WordPress,  there are numerous apps that make it easy to live chat with customers.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing isn’t just one thing; it’s an accumulation of different platforms and methods that use the internet to reach customers. Mastering each aspect of digital marketing will allow your company to thrive in its marketing efforts.

With so many types of digital marketing out there, many companies choose to hire someone to help them manage their marketing efforts. Companies, such as Portside Marketing, are here to help. We’re experts in the aforementioned areas of digital marketing. Our goal is to help your business succeed. We also help you learn more about how to market your company along the way.

Call Portside Marketing today at (972) 979-9316 to learn more about the various types of online and digital marketing and how we can help take the burden of marketing off your shoulders.