Mon-Fri 9am – 5:30pm CT

Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

Social Media is the New SEO Technique

Social Media the New Search Engine Optimization Technique

As you know, Search Engine Optimization is a constantly evolving set of tasks that continue to evolve with each iteration of Google. It has always been a mainstay in optimizing your website design and maintenance to use natural, content rich development practices. But we all know, in the past there has been a lot of usage and successes with backlinks. Those ranking optimization techniques are becoming a thing of the past. Instead, your content and your links should focus on being natural and of high quality. Instead of stuffing your content full of keywords, such as in the past, now it is even more important to write quality articles and offer a value to readers and customers alike.

Why? Simple, Google and the other top search engines are beginning to change their algorithms to rank higher for content that the greater populous finds of value. And they do this by rating against social media. In other words, the more people that pass around links to your content, the higher you are ranked in “popularity” or importance.

You simply must build natural back links by publishing  high-quality content that people will be inclined to share naturally on social media networks. If you don’t gain enough interest for folks to pass your content around, Google will know. Your content must be rich, engaging and useful enough that it will be shared. ANd the more the better. Don’t think about how your content will be looked at by Google, like in the past, think about how your content will be received by your target audience. Be natural and true to your audience and you will be rewarded.

What Do I Write About?

If you run out of ideas on what to write about, just look to your target audience for help! In our marketing company, our customers always ask us a million questions about search engine optimization and social media. We often take those questions and write a blog post, so that the next time our customer sends us a message, Tweet, Facebook Post or Email message, we simply reply and point them to that content. It’s a win-win for our customer and the company. Use the search engines as well, by searching for the questions your customers or users may be asking you to see how many others are interested in that topic.

Now that you have some valuable content, learn how to Build Backlinks Using Social Media.