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Web Design: What Customers Want to see in 2017

Web design is an ever changing world. Web pages are constantly evolving to become more user friendly. These days, they’re also changing to provide customers with a visually stunning view into the soul of your company. Much like the world of fashion, each year web design trends are either born, fade, or continue to impress the public.

It can be difficult to weed out which trends are going to become popular and which to avoid. A well designed website is vital to a successful business. Sifting through the chatter to distinguish between the positive trends and the negative trends can be risky. At Portside Marketing in Dallas, Texas, we’ve done some digging to bring you the hottest trends in web design for 2017.

Web Design Trends in 2016

To understand where you’re going, you must first recognize where you’ve been. In 2016 web design took us away from minimalist design and brought us an artistic touch. Software and technology has expanded and opened the door to more possibilities. Visually comprehensive designs are continuing to bloom and flourish across the web. Interesting and bold websites catch the eye of the user and retains their attention.

The major goal in 2017 will be creating visually appealing, interactive, easy to use websites. Of course with such a high number of mobile users, web design will also have to be versatile and work on any of the numerous platforms customers utilize. Providing users with the most detailed information possible is no longer the choice method of communication. Instead, in 2017 web design will focus more on getting your company’s message to users efficiently. A more streamlined approach with added visual trends will set your website apart from the competition’s.

Motion Trends for Web Design in 2017

Microinteractions are gaining speed in the world of web design. A microinteraction is something that most people don’t think about. It’s a small action that occurs based on a trigger and a response. Next time you’re on your favorite webpage, pay attention to how the webpage responds to the movement of your mouse or as you scroll down the page. Incorporating microinteractions into your web design can make a difference between a good website and a great website. Small details that allow users to easily interact with various parts of your website personalize the experience for the user. This can include a button to indicate that you like or love a product or a mouse-over effect. Attention to details such as these can make your website look and feel more professional for the user.

As users continue to favor the trend of movement, many web designers are using strategically placed Gifs or animations to enhance the user experience. It’s best to use Gifs or animations on only the areas that you would like to stand out. It’s important to be careful not to overload the animations and Gifs on your website as it can quickly become too much. Users will be drawn to a single Gif that stands out on a page, but if there is too much unsolicited movement then the website quickly becomes too busy and difficult to follow.

It’s important to understand that motion has a time and a place. Anything that has motion should have motion for a reason. The motion itself provides meaning. Typically that meaning is to provide more information, focus attention, and maintain continuity. Don’t waste time trying to incorporate motion into every aspect of your web design if it doesn’t have a meaning.

Visual Trends for Web Design in 2017

Along with using motion to enhance your web design, many companies are also focusing on other visual aspects. Steer away from stock imagery and focus on high quality, meaningful images. Obtain and create images that reflect the values of your company and the message of your website. Handcrafted illustrations are growing in popularity. Large images, also known as hero images, have been trending for a while now. However, rather than using stock images for these eye catching murals, focus on creating something specific to your company. The goal is to create a unique user experience and that is difficult to do with stock imagery.

You can expect to see other visual trends in 2017 such as layering to provide depth. This technique brings your website out of the screen and helps immerse the user in the experience. The use of bold colors and shapes will also help attract the attention of users. However, choose colors carefully to avoid creating a website that appears to be too color intense. It’s also important to consider your audience and use colors and brightness that would appeal to them.

Mobile Trends for Web Design in 2017

The most important trend of all in 2017 is perhaps the mobile-first approach. This is the process of creating the web design for mobile users first and then working up to bigger devices. Mobile users are on the rise more than ever. New generations that are maturing and becoming customers rely on mobile technology almost completely. This makes it extremely important to have a website that is easily accessible and quick to load on various mobile platforms.

Responsive design is also a continuing trend for 2017. The goal of responsive web design is to create one site that views differently across multiple platforms. This provides the users with continuity of experience. Not only is responsive design excellent for customers, it’s often more cost effective than creating an individual web design for each screen size. Search engines such as Google recognize the value of responsive design and boost the rankings for these websites.

Despite the constantly evolving web design trends, one thing remains consistent as we move into 2017. Providing the customer with a unique and meaningful experience on any device is the overall goal.

If you have any questions about web design or would like to set up a consultation, please contact Portside Marketing in Dallas, Texas at (972) 979-9316.