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Digital Marketing for Business

Digital Marketing for Business

When You Need a Professional Digital Marketing Company For Your Business

Many hear the term digital marketing and immediately assume that it’s just like regular marketing. It’s a whole different ballgame. How business are found and chosen is changing. People are using their phones to find local businesses and services that fit their needs. Without a proper digital presence online, it’s near-impossible to find those businesses. They may show up in Google, but they have no information, no photographs, and potential customers quickly turn away.

When a business doesn’t have a well-designed website with relevant content, your potential conversions stop there. It’s all potential, with no leads to be had. So who needs digital marketing, what industries can benefit from it? Everyone can benefit. Every industry can grow.

Tried and True vs. Quick Turnaround

If you’ve ever seen an advertisement, or heard someone say “I can get you traffic in 24 hours,” they’re not being realistic. Attracting customers with gimmicks is entirely different from attracting the kind of people you want using your services, buying your products, and visiting your shops.

A real digital presence online is mostly governed by what Google wants. Google controls over 80% of all annual internet searches. That’s a big deal. Your online presence hinges on the rulings of the largest internet-based company in history. Let’s be honest, do you have time to keep up with all of that? It’s exhausting the way the industry of digital marketing is constantly changing.

Quick turnarounds can actually get you blacklisted by Google, and make it ten times harder to get a good page ranking in the future. Your business will suffer. A solid, consistent online presence is what Google wants to see, and what your customers are going to trust.

Who Needs Digital Marketing? 

Even if you don’t sell products online, and every transaction is in-person, in your shop, or on-location, you still need an online presence. One of the most-searched terms online is “near me.” We use location services to find restaurants near us, auto part stores, and everything in between. Your customers could be flooding in without you having to put up billboards and television commercials. Not only can digital marketing save a business, it can also save businesses from wasting time and money that don’t yield the proper return.

When Do You Need It?

It’s a continuous effort. You can’t just ascend the page rankings, stop your efforts, and expect anything else to happen. You will quickly fall out of Google’s rankings. Constantly-updated blogs, properly-designed and mobile-friendly responsive website designs, and your Google My Business page (pops up after someone searches for your company) are all imperative to keeping customers coming in.

When Can You See a Return? 

It’s not an overnight success story. As with any business, you’ll be building from the ground up. Opening day didn’t give you the highest flow of customers, and the same applies to your online presence. It’s an effort that can take a few months to see your return on. Your ROI (return on investment) is something that your digital marketing company needs to discuss immediately. You would never make an investment without expecting a higher return than your introductory cost—the same applies to digital marketing.

Can You Market Yourself?

Digital marketing companies spend 60-80 hours per week managing all the components that make your page rankings tick: Written content, search engine optimization, back links, the list goes on and on. You have a business to run. When someone is looking to buy a product or hire a service, they want professionals. Wouldn’t you want the same for your online marketing investment? Going it alone is not only stressful, but it sucks up all of your time. The landscape is everchanging, and requires constant monitoring.

What is the Future of Digital Marketing? 

We’re more glued to our phones every single day. The average American checks their phone over 150 times per day, which means you have over 150 times to gain their attention. With IoT devices taking over, we’re more connected than we ever have been before. Digital marketing continues to find new outlets and new ways to get in front of viewers, turning conversions into leads, and pulling up a promise on your ROI.

Digital marketing isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. The population is expanding, internet access is spreading to the corners of the Earth—everyone is finding their next product or service online. Whether it’s local or global searches, digital marketing provides solutions to consumers who don’t even know which way they’re leaning yet.

The future of digital marketing isn’t in stone, but it’s not easily moveable, either. Digital marketing is the competition that Google enjoys seeing; either way, their services are being used, on their terms, and they are happy with the results. Google is often seen as the most powerful corporation in the world, and for good reason; they control a large portion of how people find their next purchase.

Could Google Pull a 360?

They have in the past; it’s another reason why hiring a professional digital marketing company is your best option. You’d be surprised at how often Google changes their rules. When the page rankings are being properly maintained (by digital marketing companies, usually) and rankings become immovable, they shake things up. It keeps a flurry of visitors pointing in different directions, and allows digital marketing companies to prove themselves and secure proper rankings for their clients.

Whatever Google pulls, your digital marketing company will adjust to. You’re signing on with a company despite the difficulties that the internet landscape possesses; having a professional to handle the curve ahead is invaluable to your sanity.

Why a Professional Digital Marketing Company is Your Best Weapon

There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing while a professional manages your project. You wouldn’t hire a convenience store clerk to be your skydiving instructor, and you certainly wouldn’t hire an amateur to handle a task that requires diligence, and aids in molding your business’ financial future.

To call and get started today at (972) 979-9316. We can help you with your digital marketing.