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Get Top 5 DIY Marketing Tips to Simple Marketing

No matter if it’s a big recognizable company or a small business just getting started, both face challenges when marketing their products or services. For a smaller business, the budget is often an issue. So, in this article, we are going to share the most effective top 5 DIY marketing tips that get results.

And don’t worry, these tips won’t blow your entire budget. Let’s uncover these top 5 DIY marketing tips so your business gains traction and starts getting the traffic you need.

So, if you’ve been struggling to get your name out there on your own, don’t fret, we have got you covered.

The Right Ideas Are More Valuable Than the Money

When running a start-up, it’s not uncommon to not have all the resources to do everything you need and want to do.

But that doesn’t mean you are stuck and can’t grow because you don’t have a massive budget. It just means you need to get a little creative.

Creativity is at the core of marketing. For example, learning your audience deeper than your competition, or layering your content in a way that speaks to your prospects in ways they understand are some examples.

You don’t have to endure the pain and struggle that many small businesses face because of a smaller budget (or no budget).

Every business owner has faced the cold hard truth of how expensive it is to run a business. That’s why so many businesses fail in the first few years. But there are ways to control your expenses and your marketing in a way to give your company a better chance of success.

The top 5 DIY marketing tips can make a substantial difference in your business. We’ll guide you down the path of things you can do to improve your results.

Top 5 Marketing Tips That Get Results

Learn SEO Marketing Basics And How Search Engines Work

Search engine optimization is the foundation of how your visitors find your content and business. Learning how keyword research, short-tail, long-tail, converting keywords, and other types of SEO strategies work; helps give your content exactly what it needs for Google or Bing to find you easily.

Search engines don’t do extra steps to help you, they don’t award traffic for almost getting it right. If your website is not optimized exactly how it should be your losing customers. So learn the basics of SEO.

How can you get started? Read SEO blog posts, or if you’re using WordPress install the Yoast Plugin. This plugin will guide you step by step on if your keywords are best spread out and optimized for search engines.

Publish Unique Information and Useful Content

– This should be self-explanatory right? But this is an issue many new business owners struggle with. Blogging takes time and effort and when you add this on top of running a business soon you become overwhelmed and your content begins to suffer.

This is bad. Why? Two reasons:

First, those who stumble upon your blog will see it’s not thoughtfully planned out, unique, or useful which means they won’t be returning.

Second, search engines take into account the relevancy of your content and a user’s intent in the search. So, if your content is mediocre and not useful Google can tell – which means your rankings will be demoted.

This is because the search the user did found your content, but your content was not useful.

If you don’t have the time to write great content that properly adds value and is unique; you need to find a business that can and has a great reputation.

Portside Marketing is a well-known and trusted resource for businesses. They specialize in branding and unique content creation. If you’re going to spend money, good content marketing needs to be in the budget.

Grow Your Email Marketing List

– This gets ignored very often by smaller businesses and start-ups. Don’t fall victim to that.

Email lists are a direct lifeline to people who want your products and services. Having a robust email list always gives you clients to sell to and they will promote your brand to people they know.

Creating an email list – is a top 5 DIY marketing tip that stands the test of time and can catapult your business growth in a very short period.

Just imagine if you had a few thousand emails and those people always wanted to know what your next product was or was dying to read your next blog post.

To build an effective email list, simply add a pop-up email collector to your website, and make it simple to sign up. Collect the first name and email address. Offer an eBook, or some simple giveaway to entice them.

Create Video Content

– Video is the wave of the future, offering videos describing your services, or product gets people to envision themselves using it. They can see the ins and outs of how things work. Your videos can also be on topics that surround your industry.

They can be helpful tutorials on how to look something up, what tools you use for productivity, and more. Marketing yourself as helpful and not always selling something gives your visitors or prospective clients a sense of safety that you care about them.

Once you create the video post it on YouTube, and other platforms that allow video. You can also embed it directly into your blog.

This is a fantastic strategy because if visitors watch your 6 or 15-minute video on your blog they are still on your website. This creates credibility with search engines that your content is engaging.

Spend Time on Social Media

– This is critical, social media is where the customers are. When you can engage with your followers on your business page, or Twitter account it makes you more real.

LinkedIn is a wonderful platform for engagement. You can set up groups, and also join groups where you can answer questions, and help others.

You can also create posts on LinkedIn Pulse, which is their blogging platform. It’s free and it can build followers, generate discussions, and help establish you as an authority on LinkedIn.

Your post initiates engagement months after being written. This top 5 DIY marketing tip is pure gold that many businesses large and small miss out on.

Additional Marketing Tips from the Pros

A recent study showed that around 80% of small business owners do their own marketing. That is proof that you can do it and be successful. These top 5 DIY marketing tips are used by many successful companies around the world and you can take part. In this post, you learned why they work and how to implement them.

Let’s recap the 5 tips.

  • Learn the basics of SEO

  • Craft unique and useful content

  • Grow your email list

  • Create video content

  • Spend time on social media

If you apply each tip with some effort you will see growth and improvement with your marketing efforts.

Remember, if you struggle with any of these top 5 DIY marketing tips Portside Marketing can help you. Receive help with branding, website design, and SEO strategies. Use this award-winning marketing business to your advantage.

Pick up the phone can call Portside Marketing at (972) 979-9316 for more marketing tips and guidance to create the right strategy that gets you results today.