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Logo Design

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Google AdWords

Google AdWords remains the most powerful pay per click (PPC) advertising tool in existence. As of December 2018, Google AdWords reached a staggering 90% of internet users. And the tool shows no sign of losing its dominance in the near future. What can this do for your company? Let’s take a more in-depth look.

How do Google AdWords Work?

The defining factor in how AdWords works is based on a Quality Score. The quality score is a combination of how well an ad group, relevant keywords, ad, and landing page reflect for what a user is searching and the probability that a user will click on the ad.

AdWords is also basically an auction where the highest bidder’s ad is seen. So, with a high-quality score and a high bid that AdWords user’s ad will be seen before others.  Think of it in this formula Quality Score X Bid = Placement of ad (ad ranking).

The highest ad ranking based on bid and quality score will determine its position on Google’s search engine results page (SERP).  The highest ad rankings will place your ad at the top of the page. Getting better ad placements with AdWords requires skill that only skilled marketing professionals possess; it is a nuanced and delicate procedure to ensure a high-quality score. Simply bidding high does not guarantee the your company’s ad at the top of a results page.

Is it Worth it to Use Google’s AdWords Tool?

When used in the right way, it is absolutely worth using AdWords. The key is not to exceed your advertising budget. Don’t bid on keywords that drive the cost of an ad past the point where it makes sense to purchase it. Be competitive, don’t be self-destructive.

Think of having your ad at the top of a Google results page as an investment. Even if no one clicks on the ad, it builds brand awareness for your company.  A view of your ad without interaction could lead to the user going to your website on their own later on.

There is no doubt that AdWords can drive traffic to your website, leading to increased conversions. Placing the ads with Google can also be seen as market research, it gives you a chance to find out what elements of your ad work and what needs to be changed. In the process, you may gain a clearer picture of who actually is your target demographic, which can be worth the cost of an ad in of itself.

How Much Does it Cost?

The amount your company can spend on this advertising method depends on your budget. Some of your competitors can outspend you and trying to keep up with them would soon run your ad campaign’s budget dry.  Remember, getting your ad on Google is done through an auction.  You are paying per click.

For example, if you set a cost per click (CPC) of $0.75 and expect 400 clicks a day, it would look like this: $0.75 X 400 = $300. So, if $300 is to steep a daily cost for your company, you will need to set a lower CPC or expect to get fewer clicks in a day. As previously stated, placing ads on Google can be thought of as an investment, and that should be factored into your budget.

First time AdWords users need guidance from a company that has successfully set budgets that will get your company clicks without pushing it into the red.

What is the Best way to Use Google AdWords?

The best way to use Google AdWords depends on your company’s specific goals. If your company is smaller, you may be more interested in name recognition than actual clicks. If your company is mid-sized and looking to make a bigger move, you may run concurrent PPC campaigns to help the business to the next level.  Whatever your company’s goals, some fundamentals should be followed when using AdWords.

Location, Location, Location

Remember, you are competing to have your ad viewed alongside others across the globe. Using generalized, sweeping ads will fail to get you the number of clicks you want. If your company sells chocolate, then you may want to focus locally, not try and compete with multinational conglomerates that can spend on a campaign what your company makes in a year.

When going local, use the name of your town and even the name of the neighborhood in the makeup of your ad. Your ad is more likely to be seen because you are only competing locally to have it viewed.

Create Ad Groupings

If your company sells chocolate, then you want to use a group of subjects relevant to the content of your ad. Google scrutinizes each ad, now more than it ever has before. So, be sure to make sure the subject matches the content.

An example for the chocolate company would be things such as Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Covered Cherries, Chocolate Candies, and so on. Using multiple ad campaigns through AdWords will not only drive traffic to your website, but it will also help you determine which products or services your company offers are the most popular.

Relevant Keywords

Keywords can make or break an advertisement. Use keywords that relate to the subject and content of your ad. Google will recognize right away when the practice of keyword packing is taking place.

Using too many keywords that don’t relate to the content of your ad will lead to your account being penalized. If your company is a Law Firm, then you will want to use targeted keywords like “DUI Attorney” or “Divorce Lawyers.” Using these keywords, along with your location, will lead to clicks that are more likely to convert.

Portside Marketing Knows Google AdWords

If your company is in the greater Dallas, Texas area, let us craft your ad. We know what strategies work when it comes to getting clicks for your ad. Our experienced staff at Portside Marketing is happy to explain the process to you. Great AdWords campaigns are part of what makes Search Engine Optimization so effective for companies like yours.

We can set you apart from your competitors. Don’t assign your employees and waste time and costs, let Portside Marketing guide you.

Call Portside Marketing today at 972-979-9316 or fill out our online contact form.  Don’t hesitate, get your Google AdWords ad seen today!