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Reputation Management for Small Business

Reputation Management for Small Business


SKU: Rep101 Category:


Reputation Management for Small Business: Video Course

In this course, you will learn how to dominate page one for an individual, business or product in order to correct reputation issues (Reputation Management) or create a positive SEO campaign (Reputation Marketing). The techniques presented in this course are synonymous with SEO and can be used for many things, including reputation, search ranking, local placement and more.

Lisa’s in-depth approach covers in detail, using real-world examples to show you exactly what she does to rank her clients, fix their reputations and dominate page one.


MODULE 1 – Introduction

In this module, Lisa talks about what reputation management is, who needs it and why you would want to learn Reputation Management. She goes into how to check a reputation and decide what makes a good client vs when you should walk away from a deal (or ask for big bucks). Finally, Lisa talks about what you will learn in the course.

Introduction                                                   26:20


MODULE 2 – What is Reputation Management

In this module, Lisa begins by explaining what reputation management is and how you can use it, including as part of your overall SEO strategy. She walks you through the process of checking a reputation and what the results mean for the client and for your strategy. You’ll learn what makes a good client, when you should walk away and when you can charge more.

What is Reputation Management                    40:45


MODULE 3 – Rep Juice – Ranking Reputation

This is the meat and potatoes of the course, where Lisa shows you how to SEO a reputation to dominate page one of the SERPs. She covers how to bury bad reviews and bad content showing up on page one. Lisa also goes heavily into optimization basics that can be used universally to manipulate search rankings. And, Lisa shares the tools her company uses to get the job done better and faster. This module also includes videos that go into specifics of ranking techniques, such as optimizing websites and optimizing YouTube.

Rep Juice – Ranking Reputation                     68:08
SEO Basics – Optimizing Websites                 24:04
SEO Basics – Optimizing YouTube                 16:48


MODULE 4 – Social Reputation – Positively Popular

In this module, Lisa shows you how to use Social Media to assist in reputation management and SEO. She goes into details on what type of posts and content you should use, along with the best places to be social. Finally, Lisa shows you the tools she uses to get the job done faster and better.

Social Reputation – Positively Popular             24:02


MODULE 5 – Sales Rep – Selling Rep Management

Now that you know how to perform reputation management, Lisa shows you how to sell it! Learn how she gets in the door with just about any client and what she does to convert them into high-paying monthly clients. Her get-in-the-door methods are powerful, helping her earn 7-figures. Lisa also gives you tips on what to say to close deals and how to paint a picture that clients have a hard time resisting. And, Lisa also shows you WHERE to find new clients and how she built her company from literally nothing.

Sales Rep – Selling Rep Management              57:51


MODULE 6 – Systematize for ROI Automation & Reporting

In this module, Lisa walks you through simplifying and systematizing your processes for scalability. Lisa talks about the important of setting up reports and customer touches to keep those high-paying customers you have acquired and also talks about how to use software for much of the process, including project management.

Systematize for ROI                                        21:56
Automation & Reporting


TOTAL COURSE LENGTH:  279:54     (4 Hours / 39 Minutes)


Module 3 is the meat and potatoes of this course. If you want to “fast-track”, jump to Module 3. The time next to each video indicates the duration in minutes and seconds.