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The Marketing Blog

Lisa shares some quotes, along with her thoughts, feelings and in some cases advice!

Quote of the Day

Lisa shares some quotes, along with her thoughts, feelings and in some cases advice! Here are just a few.
January 18, 2018

Google AdWords Marketing

When businesses look to advertise many turn to the web and to social media. Why? Because businesses can reach potential customers anytime and anywhere. Seeing that roughly three-quarters of Americans now own smartphones, businesses are looking to capitalize on that statistic. One of the ways to do this is to invest in Google AdWords Marketing. What is Google AdWords Marketing? Chances are you use Google to look up just about anything and everything these days. […]
January 26, 2018

Remarketing with Facebook and Google

Did someone ever tell you that when they search for a pair of shoes online, the same ad or something similar continually pops up when they’re not even actively looking for it? Is it coincidence? Not a chance. It’s called remarketing and many businesses rely on it to drive sales and web traffic. What is remarketing? When a potential customer goes to a website to look at a certain product, they are tagged without even […]
January 31, 2018

10 Most Memorable Logos and Why they Work

When you think about some of your favorite brands, what comes to mind? Most likely their logo is one of the first things that pops up. Why? Because it’s they have memorable logos. When you remember the logo you’re typically going to remember the brand as well and that’s just what advertisers and businesses want. Chances are if you remember the brand you’re more likely to support it. What makes a memorable logo? If you […]
February 2, 2018

Why is CTR (Click Through Ratio) so important?

When you decide to go online to advertise your business or product you may hear a lot of lingo that may sound like a different language. There are a lot of “techie” web terms people use to describe ads and how well they are performing. One of those terms is CTR, otherwise known as clickthrough ratio. No matter what platform you’re advertising understanding CTR is crucial to determine how well your ad is performing, especially […]