Mon-Fri 9am – 5:30pm CT

Website Design & Development

Website design is one of the most important pieces in an online marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization

Portside Marketing has some of the top search engine optimization (SEO) experts in the country.

Logo Design

Portside Marketing has an expert team of graphic designers to create a powerful brand or logo, with award-winning creative services.

SEO and SEM Similarities, Differences, and Benefits

SEO and SEM are terms related to the world of marketing and search engines. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization while SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. Both of these terms have similarities and differences. When used correctly, they can both benefit your...

SEO in 2016

SEO in 2016 is an interesting guess into the future of what will happen next year with regard to web searches.  What is SEO?  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimism.  So you ask, what does that really mean?  Search Engine Optimism is the process of “natural” “organic”...